Alcun Atirutan BBS

"If you want a living wage, get a better job" is a fascinating way to spin "I acknowledge that your current job needs to be done, but I think whomever does that job deserves to be in poverty."

@Jedigirl I think the appropriate term is "entry level" as in this job is for people who haven't had a job before. It is of low value and low risk, so if they flake out and don't show up it doesn't hurt us too much. Because it's low value to the company, the pay is equivalently low. If they demonstrate that they can show up every day and excel at it, then they can move up into a job that requires more skill, dedication, and is more valuable, and thus higher pay. They can also put on the resume "Worked at this job for a year and didn't get fired, so you know I can show up" and get a job of more value. People aren't meant to stay in that kind of job for more than a couple of years, or if they're older than about 21. The job is to recruit graduating high school students into the company and then filter them upwards, or out. It's kind of like an internship, except for people who aren't in college.