Alcun Atirutan BBS

As usual we have a word in German that perfectly describes what we witnessed tonight.

It's called "Fremdschämen" and it's the vicarious embarrassment you get when you see something so deeply mortifying, you feel embarrassed just watching it.

@fribbledom I cannot believe it. It is horrible.

@fribbledom yes. I was too shy to watch this train wreck.

@fribbledom As that Death Grips song once said, "Its a shitshow"

@fribbledom To quote the meme...

“My world’s on fire, how bout yours?”

@fribbledom That feeling is exactly why I can't watch shows like The Office.

@fribbledom are there a german word for those kinds of words?


Korean: 초침 당황 (chochim danghwang)

@fribbledom The English "cringeworthy" seems related, though it refers to the event rather than the feeling.

@fribbledom we have this word in finnish too: myötähäpeä

@fribbledom I love these German words... They are so specific, and perfectly describe things that are so hard to describe.