Alcun Atirutan BBS

Trump: "The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization."


I give up. What a shitshow.


I'm very much against fascism and I had no idea I'm a terrorist. That's what's wrong. 🤮


There's no such "group", and no, I'm not a member of anything apart from the local hackerspace.

Which is why this entire thing is absolutely pointless and just adding fuel to the fire 😒

@fribbledom I would recommend moving the Antifa-headquarter NA to Mexico.


I vote for designating stupid people as a terrorist organization as well. Stupidity is a major threat to all of us!

@fribbledom I would recommend moving the Antifa-headquarter NA to Mexico.


I vote for designating stupid people a terrorist organization as well. Stupidity is a major threat to all of us!

@fribbledom it's so silly and terrifying at the same time

@fribbledom antifa is terrorists.

@mar77i @fribbledom The real great thing is that WE unlike the people calling themselves antifa now in the USA running around burning down black neighborhoods are talking and finding out that most likely WE all want the same thing. (That ANY one should have an opportunity to prosper and live a good free life). And that we can use our voice in stead of our fists to voice our opinions.

@mar77i @fribbledom I agree that the mainly rich white people that are members of Antifa and are calling even black people for niggers and so on when a black man or woman oppose their political view are racists and idiots and trash, and that’s why I do not understand why YOU IF you really are against violence and racism do not condemn their use of ANTIFA logos and so on IF antifa really are against violence, racism, fascism, totalitarianism (communism) and so on?


Why are you not doing that?

Because I'd be very, very busy condemning stuff of people I have literally no association with whatsoever, 24/7.


@fribbledom @mar77i Ok, but if that was the case I would have stopped calling my self antifa or buying their buttons, flags and so on.
I would just be ME 😊 and let everyone else be themselves.

@fribbledom @mar77i To me it is like this. If antifa is against the rich and famous like they say, and against the system, well then why burn down the inner cities were mainly colored people and pore people live?

Why not travel to the rich parts of the cities and burn down the shops and the houses of the riche and the elite?

@fribbledom @mar77i The answer is: THEY DO NOT WANT TO BURN DOWN MOM AND DADS HOUSE, and their own homes!!

@fribbledom CN bitte

@fribbledom wazzup fellow terrorist.. it really is fucked up, especially from a foreigner's perspective..

@chillja @fribbledom That's the thing about america. Our Liberals aren't the least bit like foreign liberals, our conservatives aren't really like your conservatives, and our antifa isn't anything at all like your anti-fascists. All of the words and concepts get twisted by the people who play word games here.

@chillja @fribbledom The white person wearing all black and a black mask is our Antifa. He's chipping away at concrete so he can get weapons to throw at the police, to incite them to attack a peaceful black lives matter protest. The protestors are having none of it and turn him over to the police.

@kazriko @fribbledom Well, don't get me wrong, I've seen stones thrown in defense from antifascist protest here as well. All of it doesn't justify calling "the antifa" terrorists, though. From what I see "your antifa" ain't "the antifa" as much as there is no centrally identifiable "the antifa" here either. I consider myself an anti fascist, and therefore antifa, without identifying with many things that happen under the label (intrinsic or extrinsic) "antifa".

@kazriko @fribbledom nevertheless the person in the video is clearly doing the wrong thing in my pov, just to make that clear

@kazriko @fribbledom I also firmly believe that labeling certain actions "antifa" extrinsically is a right wing extremist defense tactic against grass roots movements.

@chillja @fribbledom It has a specific meaning of a specific organized group of thugs here, it's not just "anti fascists." They're also the ones setting all of the fires, and inciting all of the riots and looting. Calling them "Anti Fascists" is like calling North Korea the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea." or a certain German state the "Holy Roman Empire."

@chillja @fribbledom I wouldn't call them that, it's what they call themselves. I usually refer to them as the 'Fa.


Entschuldige meine Unwissenheit, aber was genau bedeutet CN?

China? Cartoon Netwoork? Common Name? 😄

@fribbledom Content Note, auch bekannt als Content Warning (siehe Button beim Textfeld) oder Trigger Warning.


Hm, aber vor was soll ich hier warnen?

@fribbledom US-Politik, kurz „uspol“