when I was a kid I was showing signs of being a lefty but my grandparents being deep southern christian thought that was BIG BAD so any time i did things left-handed my grandma would take the pencil or spoon or whatever out of my left hand and put it in my right. my mom was furious because grandma did this to her as a kid too and would stop grandma if she saw her do it, but i spent a lot of time at my grandparents' so she wasn't able to catch it often enough and the right-handed lessons stuck
i told this story to my friends at one point in college (which was as many years ago now as the story was years ago when i was telling it... i feel old) and the guy i was dating at the time in this super derisive tone went "that didn't happen, nobody does that anymore" and later said i was making it up for the attention.
anyway "that didn't happen, nobody does that anymore" has long since become a joke and i am telling this story as my husband just referenced said joke. thanks, guy from college
@ldottxt Happened to my older brother when he was in Grade 2. The teachers sent him home with homework and told my mom she had to make sure he did all his writing practices right-handed. She did, which I think she regrets.
Though my brother has exceptional right-handed handwriting now, so… he gained a skill?
Still pretty shitty we all used to do this. It wasn’t even a Catholic school or anything; it just seemed to be “what was done”.
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@beej yeah... for me it would've been in the 80s, not sure about your brother but presumably 70s/80s?. I'm actually kind of surprised a whole-ass teacher did that at that point, but given my parents had stories of being hit with a ruler for writing lefty in school in the 60s, I guess temporally speaking it wasn't that far off. it fucks me up sometimes how much the world has changed in our lifetimes
@ldottxt Yeah, 1983/84.
@beej that was closer to when my parents were in school than now is to when we were in school