Alcun Atirutan BBS

Some friends I met this morning

A pair of galahs attempting to eat a road (they moved back onto the grass after I'd passed) A pair of masked lapwings walking across some grass. The far one has its rage nippies out A male Australian magpie walks across some grass, foraging for insects A female Australian magpie stands in the morning shade among some leaf litter

@Cheeseness I have questions regarding rage nipples. 🤯🤣

@Cheeseness I can't read. But I still have the same questions about rage nippies. 🤣🤣

@SallyMonster They've got spurs on their wings that come out when they're being territorial. AFIK, it's mostly for show - they very rarely strike anything when they swoop (mostly because impact would injure them?)

A masked lapwing stands on a street with its rage nippies poking out

@Cheeseness that's absolutely amazing! Thank you! 😂

@SallyMonster Ha ha no probs! Masked lapwings have a reputation for being aggressive and swooping, but they've just got big personal space bubbles and are doing their best to be good parents

@Cheeseness this one came to investigate when I sat down at a picnic table yesterday:

@johndalton So nice

@Cheeseness @SallyMonster Who has two thumbs and will totally mess you up if you approach his territory? This bird!

@kazriko @Cheeseness 🤣🤣💚