Alcun Atirutan BBS

@marcan APC's quality has become dangerously bad the last few years, ever since they got bought out by schneider electric.

@developing_agent oh is that when they got so bad! Interesting. They used to be so good, then a few years ago I bought a few and gradually realised how bad they are. Irreplaceable batteries?! One that has a well-known “sorta goes goes weird” situation… very disappointing. Another that just fails to work sometimes, despite a fresh battery.

I also have a small Eaton UPS which I really like. Simple, standard USB interface. Much nicer price! I’m hopeful it’ll prove more reliable.

@j I was looking at eaton ones a while back instead of APC, but it's going to have to wait until I have more cash on hand. The ones with true sine wave at the wattage I need ran like $600. Most of the computers I own cost less than that. 😂

@developing_agent @marcan I wonder what good alternatives there are. The last time I took something apart from Triplite it was full of cheap aluminum wiring. Are there any good makers of UPSes now, or do we need to roll our own like HBPowerWall?

@developing_agent @marcan Hah! I hadn't even watched the video by the time I said that, and what do you know, ALUMINUM WIRING IN THE TRANSFORMER!

@kazriko @marcan

Eaton make similar small personal UPSs, and so far their reputation is intact. The units cost 2-3x as much though.

@marcan @developing_agent Aluminum wiring is still a really bad idea, they used to be used in cheap mobile homes before 1974 before they were banned, mostly because they have high resistance and overheat.

@psykose @developing_agent @marcan Mostly because it's a sign that something is being made super cheaply, especially when it only has maybe a meter of wires, and it's a multi-hundred dollar power distribution bar...

@psykose @developing_agent @marcan I was Extremely disappointed when I took that thing apart and found that it was cobbled together from cheap consumer-grade wall sockets and aluminum wiring. It made me want to get commercial grade wall sockets and copper wire and rebuild the whole thing, just keeping the outer shell of the rack power distribution box..

@psykose @kazriko @marcan There's a lot more to it than just highschool lessons on resistivity. One of the things I've personally had to deal with is the nightmare that results when you mix copper and aluminum wiring. In contact the two cause severe corrosion over time and eventually housefires. Copper is used throughout modern electronics and without appropriate care using aluminum near it WILL cause corrosion and electrical faults.

@psykose @kazriko @marcan This happens far more often than people think with aluminum wiring and for the most part it's ignored. It can be as simple as scratching through the gold plating on a PCB to the copper beneath when attaching an aluminum cable to a lug. Personally had a microswitch in a 3D printer made by printerbot (USA) where it's been completely consumed by corrosion, simply because they used aluminum stranded wire and soldered it directly to a microswitch with copper legs.

@psykose @kazriko @marcan If APC are willing to cheap out on aluminum windings, not take the care required (not even do a real crimp and hope the solder sticks!) and nearly start an arc fire inside this guy's home?

Banned. For Life.

@marcan @kazriko @developing_agent I wonder if the copper-clad cables would actually be fine for AC given the skin effect. I'm not sure how strong the skin effect is for 50-60hz though.


The skin effect isn't relevant. This isn't about resistance. It's aluminum's mechanical properties, and the total lack of quality control to catch an intentional and dangerous design decision.

This wasn't a simple manufacturing defect. The transformer maker or APC *decided* to use aluminium, then hoped and prayed that their solder blob would stick or their woeful twist job would hold together. Either way, APC quality control never caught it before nearly staring a fire.

@Nefsen402 @marcan The only thing positive I can say about it is they didn't use copper on the wingdings and aluminium for the lead, or vice-versa. The combination of the two has been known for decades to cause housefires when precautions aren't taken to prevent corrosion.

Given that APC/the transformer maker thought a twist and a solder blob would properly whet and secure aluminium, I doubt they'd apply the required paste/spacers/whatever to prevent corrosion.