Alcun Atirutan BBS

Is today the day I finally learn enough FreeCAD to do something useful?

@requiem I would like to, but the flatpak gets killed with SIGKILL whenever I try to open it. I haven't figured out how to debug a Flatpak.

@terinjokes Flatpak is a mystery to me as well. I'm using it on my @system76 machine running Pop, and I installed it from their "app store". I'm an old-school linux user who cut his teeth compiling everything from source so all this package stuff is magic to me.

@requiem @terinjokes @system76 It's really the same sort of stuff as Docker, you're basically just installing an entire extra, tiny, operating system on top of your kernel, Docker and Flatpak are mostly there to keep it from installing that same OS over and over, and instead keep one copy of it that's shared. Appimage just says "we have huge disks, just keep the OS around many times."

@requiem @system76 @terinjokes (Nix on the other hand, is trying to do the same thing but without chroot/jails, and instead by manipulating all of the paths in the environment.)


@kazriko yeah, tbh I’m not a fan, I just want the code and to compile some binaries, but I thought I’d buy a “Linux laptop” and play ball. Now it’s been a couple years and I’m planning to go back 😁 @system76 @terinjokes

@requiem @system76 @terinjokes That's getting rare on Linux these days, Unless you use Rust I suppose. C++ compiled apps take so long to build these days, and have so many dependencies... Compiling from source seems to really only be a thing in the BSD-lands. Even Gentoo is starting to ship some things as binaries because of the long compile times.

@kazriko @system76 @requiem I run Gentoo on the Framework, and can do a full install from nothing to Wayland + full KDE suite in an afternoon, even without binaries. Ninja and Meson do a really good job at saturating pipelines nowadays.

@terinjokes @system76 @requiem I guess I haven't compiled anything on Gentoo in awhile, the last time I did a KDE desktop build of gentoo it took about 40 hours, but that was on my older 2nd gen Intel core laptop.

@kazriko @system76 @requiem I remember the when compiling X would take over 24 hours on my iBook G4. 😅