Alcun Atirutan BBS

@amirrajan those 4 pillars, was it something you came up with, or did you found it somewhere else? i would love to read a bit more along those lines and how they could impact/direct UI --in the general case-- design. thanks, i hadn't seen it articulated that way 💜

@gureito something I came up with/discovered while using emacs. The most important thing was that it removes lisp from the equation and reframes editor choice through a more general lens

@amirrajan I believe the VSCode developers do practice dogfooding:

Depending on the level of introspection needed, they appear to be working with either the TS code, the web inspector built into Electron or other web tools.

Providing the user with an easy interface to the same things is just not on the top of their minds. That's unsurprising, since it's not really a priority for anyone except a rare few projects like Emacs.

@karthink what did you think of the four pillars I mentioned?

@amirrajan I think it's a good formulation, it brings the question of tool introspection/extensibility down to brass tacks, in a way that anyone who's used any editor can immediately understand.

But as an old Emacs user, I don't think it matters what I think about the pillars. The real test of its efficacy is its effect on someone who's never thought about modifying their editor before. Have you had much success getting people to think about extensibility beyond "Oh, it has a plugin ecosystem"?

@karthink most people I’ve brought this up with don’t care so long as there are plugins (that other people maintain).

@amirrajan @gureito Some people out here trying to improve Emacs, my current editor instead tried to improve vi. Enjoying using Helix so far...

@kazriko @gureito @amirrajan My team lead made me use Zed.

It's an interesting experience. But first, I was very skeptical, because of their messaging. Instead of saying: "we wrote the best editor", they say: "we wrote editor in Rust". Last time this sort of bullshit happened, it were Nat and Miggie pushing Mono. And all of the killer apps they showcased died out.

It was reliable so far, so that's better than Gnome edit, which deleted files for me.