Alcun Atirutan BBS

I'm either blind or this is a really tough one.

[No guessing mode, evil]

@fribbledom You’re not blind. Gonna have to make guesses! I’d start with that 50/50 island top center and get that one over with :)


This is no-guessing-mode though, it's guaranteed to be deducible.

@fribbledom Maybe I don’t remember what guessing mode even is. I mean I’d just click one of the two squares and hope for the best.


NO-guessing-mode. It's a minesweeper puzzle that's guaranteed to be solvable without guessing.


I think you're missing an option, it could also look like this:

@fribbledom The circled 2 means that there must be one mine on either side of the circled 3. Therefore the circled 1 will be satisfied and the x’ d box is safe to click.


Brilliant, thank you! Not that tough after all, now I don't know how I missed that 😆

@fribbledom Oh! Wow. I’d definitely file a bug report. That little island is only solvable by guessing, not even considering the rest of the puzzle.


See thread, we managed to solve it and it wasn't that hard after all 🙂

@fribbledom Ohhh, where do you play this no-guessing-mode?

@jellal @fribbledom The version by @simontatham never needs guessing, it's always in no-guessing mode

@mcdanlj @jellal @fribbledom but the screenshot at the top of the thread doesn't look like my version – the font and graphics are all wrong (in that they look much more "trad Windows" than mine).

Looks as if there's another implementation out there, which I hadn't known. I'm also curious to know where and what it is!

Does this version mention the total number of mines? At least in my version you sometimes need to use that in deductions.

@fribbledom Is the object to avoid the mines or to blow them all up? Serious question. I never understood that game.


You want to avoid them and uncover all squares without mines. Each square tells you how many mines it is being surrounded by, so you can deduce it.

@fribbledom There are minesweeper-like games where you never have to guess out there. One I play a lot is Knarly Hexes. There's also Prismapix. There's a few others I've played on Steam as well.


This already is a no-guessing version of minesweeper 😉

@fribbledom Ahhh! Ok. I thought I was so clever landing on the mines! Sometimes, simple games elude me.