Alcun Atirutan BBS

I am in a bad place with my home network. I made a WiFi, where Linux and MacOS work, but Android does not. Says there's no connectivity.

Of course, connectivity is just fine, and applications work when they do not care about that. For example, WatsUp simply connects where it wants. But Chrome is too polite for that and refuses to try.

A tcpdump shows that Android connects, attempts SSDP (which never worked in my networks), then pokers the router (sic) with HTTP, and then reports the there's no connectivity. All Android devices behave the same way.

Banging my head figuratively.

@pro from my recollection, android tries to hit for connectivity/captive portal checks, you're not seeing that?

@mr64bit It was a typo in "option domain-name-servers chihiro;"
As always, I was looking for it for a couple of hours and found it as soon as I made a social media post.

@pro Have you put a tiny nginx server on the router, only on the internal interface?

@kazriko That thought crossed my mind, but I never needed to do it before. In any case, the issue was DNS as always.

Spoilers: MacOS and Linux work because... wait for it... I have a radvd too, and it supplies a pointer to named with RDNSS. But Android's IPv6 ignores RDNSS for some reason. It only can get the nameserver from DHCP.

@pro It isn't DNS. It can't possibly be DNS. It was DNS. :D