Alcun Atirutan BBS

Alcun Atirutan BBS

I still don't fundamentally understand how was never fixed and yet there was a meaningful argument about whether upstart should be a default init system in preference to systemd

@mjg59 Man, this is the same company that sat on a confirmed ZFS data corruption bug for the better part of a year while they tried to figure out who was in charge.

I'm currently seeing kernel task hangs in the ancient version of ZFS they ship in 22.04 (it's ancient within that ZFS stable series, and that series isn't even supported anymore) and I'm already dreading filing an issue about it.

@developing_agent @mjg59 If you’ve ever went through their hiring process, you’d understand why a lot of the ubuntu people are very pedantic. It is quite silly.

@grs @mjg59 I've seen more than enough of their hiring process. A while back was posted a story from someone who came to them with a stellar resume and 30 years of experience. She had made it through their byzantine hiring process and at the last minute before she received her offer she got a surprise interview with the CEO. He wanted to know why they should hire a woman who had done so poorly in highschool, 30 years earlier. No way to really argue against that.

@developing_agent @mjg59 move fast and break things, intentionally, as a service 🤔

@dngrs I came to ubuntu Server (and returned after a bad time with 20.04) for the promise that ZFS and kernel packages wouldn't get out of sync and break, and indeed that has not happened. It looks like ZFS is in a generic module package tied to kernel version.

But I've seen plenty of breakage due to *inaction.* That ZFS bug that wasn't fixed in a timely manor, but also squatting on old versions of ZFS without at least moving up to the latest version in the stable series to get fixes.

@developing_agent Eh, Upstart was never really a contender for anyone but Ubuntu, and this is before systemd started to be standard elsewhere. Personally, I use Runit instead of either of them. As for why it's not fixed, the fact that it was not picked up as a standard by debian probably means there's no effort to keep it maintained. Unlike Void, Ubuntu has an upstream distro.