Alcun Atirutan BBS

Alcun Atirutan BBS


Had a weird shopping experience at Fleet Farm. We were shopping for a Glock 44 and the kid at the counter kept pushing us to buy something bigger. I asked him why and he said ā€œA .22 isnā€™t big enough to stop anyoneā€

So I asked him if he wanted to go out back and show me how many he could take.

He pretended not to hear this and after a pause mumbled ā€œwell let me know if you need anything elseā€¦ā€

Itā€™s funny how uncomfortable ā€œgun guysā€ get when they have to imagine themselves on the other end of the barrel. I think anyone considering owning a gun should have this experience.


@requiem And not everything is about self defense! Jeeze, can't a guy just plink cans for cheap without getting weird looks?!

re: Guns

@unlofl I though about saying ā€œone 22 was enough to bring Regan to his kneesā€¦ā€ but then I realized he probably wouldnā€™t get the referenceā€¦

re: Guns


Pick them up off the ground and stop them? No.

Put them in a world of hurt and make them do anything else? Yes.

Also, a .22 is usually going to have a lot less travel through when hitting targets. Downrange is always something to consider if you ever need to use it around other people. Glad you gave that kid something to think about.

re: Guns
@requiem a .22 can cause damage even if it won't necessarily put an end to an attack, so nobody would want to be on the receiving end. That doesn't mean you would want to be on the attacking end with it either, because it would require a lucky hit to stop an attack.

re: Guns
@requiem (I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a pellet gun either, the last time someone hit me in the foot with one it stung for several days, but I wouldn't consider those enough to stop an attacker. It would require an extraordinarily lucky shot.)

re: Guns

@kazriko this is kinda my point but Iā€™ve been struggling to explain why concisely šŸ˜

But what I will say is that training reduces the need for luck, and someone is more likely to practice with a gun they are comfortable with than one they are not. That not only makes them more effective against the attacker but also less dangerous to themselves and others, which is far more likely to be important given that most gun-related injuries and deaths are from ā€œaccidentsā€ than attacks.

re: Guns

@requiem true, and considering how many of those you can put in a target fast... The only real argument I've heard against 22 for self defense is that rim fire is the most likely to jam

re: Guns

@unlofl that is a legit concern. It can be mitigated by using a high-quality firearm with well-matched ammunition (hence the Glock) but itā€™s still going to be less reliable compared to an equivalent centerfire cartridge.

re: Guns
@requiem The thing about a 22 vs most others is that with the 22, you wouldn't be able to rely as much on the "Center of Mass" shot that you would with anything else, shooting at center of mass is one thing that makes people much safer with firearms, as it regards bystanders, as it greatly reduces the chances of missing, and hitting a target behind. The lucky targets you would have to hit would be, for example, the eyes, or the heart directly through a lucky shot between ribs. Any other hits, they kill you then have to go to a doctor themselves and spend weeks in recovery.

re: Guns
@requiem (And far more are from suicides than accidents.)

re: Guns

@kazriko if you can manage a 2ā€ grouping with 10 rounds at 10 yards using a larger gauge firearm by all means, use it (I do exactly this with 9mm).

But a lot of people canā€™t, because they lack the strength, dexterity, stamina, etc. to train with a larger weapon and wield it in an emergency situation.

Almost anyone can achieve this with sufficient training and practice using a .22 pistol. Quality .22 ammunition will penetrate 12ā€ at 10 yards with a 4ā€ barrel, and a 2ā€ group of ten in the body will find at least a couple that make it to vital organs or between ribs and through lungs. If youā€™ve ever seen someone try to keep moving with a pneumothorax you know how effective this is.

That said Iā€™m getting bored with this ā€œballistics bench racingā€.

re: Guns

@requiem @kazriko that data on .22 penetration is awesome, useful, and Iā€™m going to teach it to people who need to hear it.
My wife keeps feeling like she ā€œhas toā€ train and carry a 9mm because her family say so..

Can you point me towards a source, or is it your experience?

re: Guns
@pjsliney @requiem In this case, it's particularly a number of stories from suicide attempts with .22 weaponry. In particular, they can penetrate the thinnest parts of the skull, but cannot exit through the thicker ones, so they tend to bounce around instead. Ribs would likely be similar. Beyond that, you'd have to go to someone who has the data. I've done extensive shooting with .22 and found that they often can't cleanly penetrate even moderately thin metals like networking gear chassis. Aluminum cans however, you can blast those all day.

You don't have to go MUCH bigger though, I know people who argue that .38 ACP is too small, but I don't think so.

re: Guns
@requiem I wouldn't say to go all the way up there to a 9mm like the other poster says, and 38ACP firearms are often smaller and lighter than most .22's you see. In an emergency, I'd take a Ruger LCP over my .22 any day.

re: Guns

@pjsliney this is a decent article on the subject by someone who knows all about shooting people (a cop).


re: Guns
@requiem @pjsliney Having read that, I mostly agree with it, it's better than nothing. That website was obnoxious though, two videos playing at the same time with audio on both.

I still wouldn't want to completely rely on it since my own experience with .22 firearms is tremendous unreliability, and at least one jam out of every 20-30 shots. My experience is only with .22 LR though, I wonder how Magnum compares.

re: Guns
@kazriko @requiem Ruger make an LCP II in .22LR, BTW.

re: Guns
@gat @requiem Yeah, I was thinking of the first gen though since it's a little bit lighter.

re: Guns

@requiem @kazriko hah the top comment is a dude whoā€™s been shot with .22lr. Great resource, thanks!

re: Guns

@pjsliney oh man I didnā€™t even know there were comments on that page, wow!


re: Guns

@requiem @kazriko I was lucky that the ads didnā€™t load.

re: Guns

@pjsliney fun follow-up fact for this thread: the salesman I talked to got fired. We went back about a week or so later and someone else helped us purchase the G44 and they told us that guy got walked out. @kazriko

re: Guns

@requiem @kazriko happy endings still happen!!

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