@kazriko What did you hit? I'm on develop.
@pro I was running the source code version on Debian, first the 2.9.1 needed Elixir 1.14, and Debian Bullseye didn't have it, so I had to move to that. Then I had to drop the apt sources list I was using for elixir before, then reinstall a bunch of packages that it dropped when moving from one source to another. Migrate the database from postgres 13 to 15. The debian upgrade broke my ethernet config, so I had to go OOB console and fix that. Then reinstall more missing packages that were causing compile errors. it took a couple of hours to get everything back up. Also, since I wasn't using Git, there were leftover cruft files from the sshd bbs functionality that was apparently removed and causing elixir compile issues, and I had to delete the files from my tree.
@pro So it really wasn't any Pleroma issues, just a lot of upgrades that pleroma required to the system, and issues with my older style of installation, that took a lot of busywork to sort out.
@kazriko I see, thanks. I guess running on Fedora insulated me from this somewhat. Of course I have to deal with Postfix version bumps once in a while, but nothing more than that.
@pro Normally I wouldn't be using Debian, but I had to swap the server over to it when my VPS provider stopped giving updated OpenBSD boot images, and I didn't want to go and figure out how to add my own in.
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