I love that someone is actually doing something with one of those old graphics terminal protocols.
@fribbledom I'm probably waiting about the same amount of time on the XSX. I am getting the PS5, just so that I can play my ~500 PS4 games at a higher framerate, on a quieter console. I skipped out on the PS4Pro.
@Sirsquid I guess I should take a crack at answering the question asked in the forum. If you use wget to retrieve the URL you pasted there, it gets a zero byte file.
--2020-10-06 16:56:32--
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [application/atom+xml]
Saving to: ‘index.html’
So something is wrong with the feed, maybe check with the dolphin-emu folks.
--2020-10-06 16:56:32--
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [application/atom+xml]
Saving to: ‘index.html’
So something is wrong with the feed, maybe check with the dolphin-emu folks.
@Sirsquid You mean the place they move threads that are garbage that they don't think are fit for public consumption so they don't end up on the main page, instead of deleting them? Looking forward to getting this board, should be a lot of fun to play with. An actual 2d GPU for low end processors to use.
re: uspol
@requiem That's another thing, both sides think that the other is trying to do as much damage to the country as possible. Both sides think they'll riot if they lose. Both sides think the other is going to completely destroy the country if they win. The rhetoric has gotten completely overheated during this election. You kind of have to wonder if we're not getting another divisive propaganda blitz this time like the one in 2016 with the Russian bots, but from China as well.
re: uspol
@requiem Funny, the other side was saying the same thing.
@fribbledom Depends on the definition of real. Real to me was my Fidonet Point software that I wrote in the 90's. I got it to where it could connect, download messages, upload messages, toss them into a JAM database, then read and reply to them. I only ever gave it to one person because it wasn't good enough. The next real one would have probably been the classroom scheduling app that the biology department at the college used. My first two real apps were both written in Pascal.
Another day, another instance of everyone I follow on talking politics, and everyone on talking technology.
@deshipu @trickster I usually refer to these where the byte order and word order are different as Confused Endian. Seems to be common on industrial control systems.
@aninouto Yeah, that's the one who graduated and went off to college a couple years before. But her dog kept going to the high school.
@aninouto It's cool now that she's going to run into the girl who helped her out the first year.
@fribbledom Snapshot hourly, backup of all snapshots daily.
@Moon While it's a welcome news, Bee is merely back on Twitter. It never went anywhere at the open Internet, unlike e.g. Daily Stormer. Anyone with an RSS reader could get the same thing without a dependency on Twitter.