Alcun Atirutan BBS

Kazriko |

The usual. Software developer, former BBS sysop. Atari XE, Dos, OS/2, BeOS, Windows 2000/7 former user, Linux/FreeBSD/Haiku/OpenIndiana current user. The various places I post are listed: I had no idea that spring badgers were good to eat.

@anime I like this manga quite a bit. I'll have to read the rest and subscribe to the updates.

@stuff US::Texas::Austin. C++ Namespaces.

@chris For sending texts, you can use KDE Connect, but you'd still need to use the phone, or a bluetooth headset for calls. Other than that, I hate to recommend a google product, since they're almost as bad, but Google Voice can do that. I haven't done the research to find an alternative myself yet. It can do voip and sms.

@stuff Yeah, I saw that one too. Kind of like how Among Us didn't get a big following until this year, despite being released years ago.

@stuff 2018 actually, and it's for mac/linux/windows, but it looks like a dos game. It's actually still not fully out, early access. If you want a true modern DOS game, there is Planet X3 and Shenzhen Solitaire, both released in the last 5 years for Dos.

@fribbledom Synology IS good, though the consumer grade one that my prior job bought is terrible for running VMs off of. I asked them to get a commercial grade unit, but instead they grabbed two consumer ones...

According to switch, I'm very consistent on the games I play. #1, Huge crafting game. #2, An RPG. #3: The Jupiter Picross game. #4: Some random popular thing. #5: A lesser Picross game.

@anime Sorry about the delay, but yeah, all of the HololiveCN members "graduated" and they closed down that branch, at least according to the discord server I'm in that is constantly talking about Hololive.

@redstarfish Of course, I only mention Arch because the Artix platform uses a significant portion of its code and packages to operate, thus Arch is also a component of an Artix system. It's also not X11, that's the protocol, the software is xorg, a derivative fork of xfree86.

All of these systems are just mix and match pieces that can be merged together any way you want, and I've even used a system before that used Gnu and Xfree86, but no Linux at all.

@redstarfish Or I could just call the system I use Artix. In the long run, if I start calling it Gnu/Linux/Runit/KDEPlasma/Grub/ZFS/Mesa/Clang/Xorg/Fish/Arch/Artix to actually give everyone appropriate credit, it would get unwieldy fast. Or I could just give three groups credit by calling it Artix Gnu/Linux, but that seems unfair with the sheer number of different groups who contributed to the system I'm running now. Just calling it Artix would let people go and look themselves at what composes an Artix system.

@redstarfish Of course, there are systems out there that are Linux, but not GnuLinux. Other than Android, Alpine is a particularly common example in containers and services. Void Linux also has non-GNU variants.

@stuff I saw the Toyota equivalent of the BRZ recently. Looked great. I think the next time I buy a brand new car I might get either that, or the BRZ.

@fribbledom (Of course, that's about as accurate as my normal method of conversion estimation.)

@fribbledom It's most accurate in converting 8 to 5. it gets less accurate as you go up, being a full mile off at 144km.

More details on this macOS thing...

"Your Computer Isn't Yours"

@fribbledom (Bill Clinton's spiritual advisor was Tony Campolo.)

@fribbledom It's not particularly unusual. Obama also had an unofficial presidential spiritual advisor, Joshua DuBois. (Official title, Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.)
