@stuff @parker @Moon @coolhandjames @coyote @icedquinn The ACE2 receptor is responsible for regulating your blood pressure, and people who are overweight already have blood pressure problems. When the virus sends your blood pressure regulation out of whack people with lower base blood pressure are probably going to deal with that better. Add blood clotting problems to that from the virus clumping blood cells...
@pro @hector Well, I think I'll just continue to buy in the midrange phone category, where headphone jacks still exist. You can't easily pipe wireless into my home mixer setup so I plug the phone in when I want to listen to something off of it. (Of course, I still use wireless headphones, just have every other device going into the bluetooth transmitter is wired.)
@ademalsasa my Pinephone currently has Manjaro with plasma mobile, but I want to try PostmarketOS on it.
@pro @anti @pernia On the plus side, It's also Java that has been tweaked for higher performance a bit. Java tends to copy data constantly when passing things around, while C# has a focus on doing far more by reference and far less by copying. The performance will still be nowhere near a good C, C++, or Rust program though. C# is used in indie games a bit with XNA and Unity.
@union (This kind of thing is considered to be "kitsch" by the art world though and frowned upon.)
@union I imagine the best place for someone who wants to paint realistic looking portraits would be to get into the business of painting what doesn't exist in a realistic fashion, so science fiction portraiture.
@union One thing I've heard more of on this is more that photography is what decreased demand for this kind of realistic portraiture. Having a painting like the one on the left was expensive, and if you can get equally good results from a fraction of the cost, then you're only going to get a small number of people going through with the older technology. (Such as the presidential portraits that are painted still.)
https://lunduke.substack.com/p/the-lunduke-journal-podcast-10-system76 I'm pretty much with Lunduke on this one, It doesn't make me use S76 less, and doesn't make me use Gnome more or less. I've largely been fed up with Gnome and their "our way or the highway" attitude for years. I choose Highway.
@pro The idle interface and the default GUI toolkit for python is based on tcl/tk.
@fribbledom Oops, I missed the poll. Yes, working color laser printer, but it's all the way out in the garage so it's a paint to go pick up the things I print. Networked though, so I can just print from anywhere in the house.
@requiem So, like Dreams for the PSVR then?
Finally halted all of the mastodon processes on my other vps. At the same time, I rebuilt my blog from Jekyll over to Hugo, and made it take over that entire domain. That's two Ruby-based things excised at the same time. Haven't decided if I'm going to keep that vps going or not, and if I don't, where I should move my hugo blog. both cloudflare, and my pleroma server are options.
@pro I think about 9-10 years ago I swapped over to Zoho for my domain. Its interface isn't quite as good and it costs a bit per year, but it gives me more control over the spam settings.
@quantum @ihorner In particular, them making a very good reader for free with sharing, sucking in everyone to use their service for RSS, then murdering it lead to a slow decline in RSS, and probably Google's prospects for getting new users for their future services as well. Of course, many users jumped ship for Feedly and Newsblur and kept using RSS.