Alcun Atirutan BBS

Kazriko |

The usual. Software developer, former BBS sysop. Atari XE, Dos, OS/2, BeOS, Windows 2000/7 former user, Linux/FreeBSD/Haiku/OpenIndiana current user. The various places I post are listed:

@RadicalEdward No waffle houses in Altoona.

@pro You've gotten much farther than I have then.

@pro Eh, I've still been unable to pick it up yet either, but that's mostly because every time I try, I get a few pages into the tutorial and get bored.

@anime @deprecated_ii Hah, Yeah, that one is surprisingly good. He is doing a very bad job at sponging though.

@pro @sfalken I live where I do, in western colorado, precisely because the power is so stable here, and there's nearly no natural disasters to worry about. (Basically, forest fires that manage to spread across the desert scrublands, super volcanoes, and the crazy politics of Denver are the only things to worry about.)

@selfsame Watch the Onion go around buying all of the media like a giant Katamari of Failure.

@zaitcev I think Russia lost somewhat more, but in order for Ukraine to be ultimately successful they need to have like an 8:1 ratio, and they're WAY short of that.

@fribbledom There are minesweeper-like games where you never have to guess out there. One I play a lot is Knarly Hexes. There's also Prismapix. There's a few others I've played on Steam as well.

@amirrajan @gureito Some people out here trying to improve Emacs, my current editor instead tried to improve vi. Enjoying using Helix so far...

@pro @phnt @zaitcev @get I have to wonder though, if it's only because of the license, then why doesn't Illumos do better? It has a much more restrictive, GPL-ish license, it does allow one company to use it like BSD, but everyone else is stuck. It also has a much more mature OS base than FreeBSD and includes ZFS, yet its drivers are much worse and it doesn't nearly have the same level of support as the BSDs and Linux.

@pro @phnt @zaitcev @get Eh, I still enjoy using it, FreeBSD makes a much better file server than Linux. Linux, you never know if ZFS will be working after an update, since the devs of the kernel are fairly hostile to zfs. They keep failing whenever they try to make a zfs replacement too. bcachefs and btrfs are both garbage.

@mc @requiem Wow, that totally adds WAY more confusion to the already confusing Risc5 vs RiscV thing, since the other platform OberonOS runs on bare metal on is Risc5.

@requiem Micropython? There's risc-v microcontrollers running it at least. I personally want to see a CollapseOS build on it.

@zaitcev I wouldn't buy groceries from it unless I had to, but the grocery store closes at 11pm and the convenience store is 24/7, so in a pinch I'll get cat food or milk from there. Usually I'm just buying drinks, candy, and snacks instead, things that are at the grocery store, but cost almost the same in individual units, and you only get a price break there at higher unit counts. (the gas station has Monster energy for $5 for 2, but 2 at the grocery store is $6, or $8 for 4.)

@zaitcev There's a place here that's basically a gas station convenience store, but with no gas pumps. It manages to survive year after year because of its rather central location at least. We have a few other gas stations that I will go to even if I don't need gas just to get their snacks and coffee.

@jdowns The majority of retro youtube channels bounce all over the place, but about the main one I've seen that almost entirely focuses on Atari was FlashJazzCat. There's some others but I'm having trouble finding them.

@union You mean Patriot missiles, which variant? Did we just send them all of our PAC-1 or PAC-2 missiles?

@union We can't send them everything we have, we have stock level requirements that we can't go below.

@zaitcev There's a Manhwa that I'm reading that's actually set on South Padre island. I thought it was amusing that it was set in America, but I imagine it's based on a US web novel.
